Car Shades - 75 Road Trip Questions to Ask the Kids
Long car journeys can get monotonous even for adults, let alone the kids! That’s why we’ve created this list of 75 questions to keep the conversation going, to keep little brains whirring and to keep the journey smooth!
Would you rather?
- Have one eye in the middle of your head or two noses?
- Live on the moon or live on mars?
- Be able to control the weather or talk to animals?
- Have a pet elephant or a pet mouse?
- Be really fast or really strong?
- Be the funniest person ever or the smartest person ever?
- Jump into a pool of strawberry ice cream or custard?
- Have a car that can fly or go underwater?
- Moo like a cow after every sentence or bark like a dog?
- Live in a mansion or on a farm?
- Have to eat breakfast foods or dinner foods for the rest of your life?
- Win a medal at the Olympics or be a famous actor?
- Visit space or the bottom of the ocean?
- Have purple hair or green hair?
- Have a tail or a horn on your head?
- Never watch TV or never listen to music?
- It always be sunny or always be snowy
- Go on an adventure with Moana or live in the jungle with Mowgli?
- Be able to change colour like a chameleon or have eight arms like an octopus?
- Ride a ferris wheel or a roller-coaster?
Never Have I Ever
- Blamed my sibling for something I did
- Borrowed my siblings pen
- Cheated while playing a board game
- Shouted in front of my parents
- Picked my nose… and ate it!
- Eaten food from the floor
- Let the dog lick my face
- Sang along to Blue’s Clues (or any other favourite tv show!)
- Ate so many sweets I felt sick
- Seen Santa
- Who is the nicest person you know?
- Who’s the meanest person you know?
- What’s your favourite song?
- What makes you happy and why?
- What’s your favourite thing to learn about?
- Who is your best friend?
- Who’s your favourite animal (assuming you have / know someone with pets)
- If you had a million pounds, what would you do with it?
- If you had a time machine what time period would you go to?
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- What’s the funniest sound you can make?
- Give us your best impression of mum/dad?
- Tell us your favourite joke
- Show us your best sitting down dance move
- Who can spot the first yellow car?
- What has hands and a face, but can’t hold anything or smile? Answer: A clock.
- It belongs to you, but your friends use it more. What is it? Answer: Your name.
- What has to be broken before you can use it? Answer: An egg
- What can you catch but not throw? Answer: A cold!
- If a brother, his sister, and their dog weren’t under an umbrella, why didn’t they get wet? Answer: It wasn’t raining.
- What is full of holes but still holds water? Answer: A sponge.
- What becomes wetter the more it dries? Answer: A towel.
- What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? Answer: The letter “m”.
- What has legs but cannot walk? Answer: A chair
- The more of this there is, the less you see. What am I? Answer: Darkness
- How many legs does a spider have? Answer: Eight
- How many planets are in our solar system? Answer: Eight
- How many days are in a year? Answer: 365
- What is a brontosaurus? Answer: A dinosaur
- Who built the pyramids? Answer: The Egyptians
- How many noses does a slug have? Answer: Four
- What is the fastest land animal? Answer: The cheetah. They have set record speeds near 70 MPH
- What is the largest planet in our solar system? Answer: Jupiter
- Where did the Olympic games originate? Answer: Greece
- What is the world record for number of hotdogs eaten in one sitting? Answer: 75
- What contains more sugar, strawberries or lemons? Answer: Lemons
- What school did Harry Potter attend? Answer: Hogwarts
- What does a thermometer measure? Answer: Temperature
- What colour are zebras’ strips when they are first born? Answer: Brown
- How many breaths does the average human take in a day? Answer: 23,000
- Which amphibian never sleeps? Answer: Bullfrog
- How many bones does a shark have? Answer: 0
- What fruit do raisins come from? Answer: Grapes
- What’s the hardest natural substance in the world? Answer: Diamond
- Where is the Eiffel Tower? Answer: Paris, France
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